Friday, 4 July 2014


So turns out it wasn't insulation in our garage - it was the sarking haha! That would make more sense. I'll just blame it on Vas. Can you tell we have never built before?! They were up there today putting up the scaffolding for the roof and got a start on the sarking - wonder if they will work tomorrow on a Saturday?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Haha that's classic Nat! Easy mistake to make, who really knows what the inside of the walls look like! The actual insulation will be pink and fluffy when it arrives :)
    I'd say you will have a roof by mid way through next week! Just a tip, ask your SS to insist that they hose out the gutters after they are done. The metal filings from drilling the screws in can start rust if they aren't removed.

    (PS. I deleted my first comment because it made no sense - damn autocorrect)
