Thursday, 1 May 2014

Plumbing complete :)

Today our plumbing was done - yay!!! It was so busy in our street today you could barely get through, came so close to clipping a truck! A few people on our site and lots of pipes sticking out of the ground :)

Vas went for a drive out there about an hour after me and there was a truck delivering wooden planks - assuming for the form work, would be great if it happens tomorrow! Watch this space...

Also received our electrical variation today for the data points and ceiling fans (they also put that damn isolation cooker switch, another $65) - signed, sealed and delivered straight away :)


  1. Yay for plumbing! From memory formwork took a couple of days, then waffle pods and slab down within a week or so. Not long until you can go frolic on your new concrete haha :)

  2. Haha very true Mel!! Looking forward to a good ol' frolic on the slab hehe :)
