Monday, 28 April 2014

Piering complete...and we have waffle pods!

As promised, piering was completed today! And what's even better - we came under! We didn't even think to add extra onto our 40 lineal metre allowance during our tender period, so this was always something that was in the back of my mind. Admittedly when we hit rock I had an inkling we wouldn't go over but didn't want to get too excited (especially when I wasn't overly excited about hitting rock in the first place!). I had a voice message this morning whilst I was in a meeting saying that the drilling was complete, and it was only 19 lineal metres! I had a feeling it would be under, but not by more than half :) so that was great for my Monday-itis!

We went and checked out the block at lunch time and we found a lovely surprise - waffle pods! I also noticed there was no concrete on top of the piering holes but didn't think too much more of it, then as I was leaving the block I had a call from the concrete company saying they had drilled the piers to which I told them I was just leaving the block and had seen them, but noticed no concrete. He said they would be back later in the arvo to pump the concrete in, and they did! Our lovely neighbours sent a pic, which I will include below, along with a few of my pics (sorry, I know pics of dirt are boring but I'm excited!).

Plumbing is scheduled for Thursday and we are looking at mid next week for a slab - yay!


  1. Congrats Nat! Good to hear of the refund $$$$ :)

  2. great news with the piering nat!

  3. Thanks guys!!! Very stoked!!!! Hopefully plumbing tomorrow :)
