Monday, 14 April 2014

Nothin' beats a big pile of...dirt!

Today was another great day - more scraping was done along with the all important rock excavation.

Had a call from the slab supervisor later in the morning saying that the rock was easier to excavate than first thought, turns out it was mostly sandstone which makes great fill (for people who need it that is) so carting it away will be cheaper a) because it is actually now considered "spoil" and not rock because it broke up easily once excavated and b) a lot of the spoil can be taken to other sites that actually need it, so we shouldn't need to use the whole $10.5K variation we received the other day - but we will wait and see, I have learnt not to speak too soon in this building game!

Now we have a MASSIVE pile of dirt at the back of the block, huge. Not sure if the scraping is finished but he definitely got a lot done today. I am going to have withdrawals as I won't be able to visit the block until next Tuesday. I'm going on an aerial patrol tomorrow to Cooma for work and won't be back until Wednesday, then on Thursday Vas and I fly to Perth for the Easter break to see family, which we are really looking forward to. More than happy for the work to continue whilst we're gone though! We have great neighbours who are keeping an eye out for us :)

Pics of the block / dirt below, though it doesn't do the amount of dirt any justice :)

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